So now, the Black Condor can swim like a freakin' dolphin. And you know, if a person can learn to fly just by living with a bunch of birds, why wouldn't those skills translate under water?
Oh, comics, why must you test my love for you?
I shall become a creature of the night. I shall become... a bat!
A bat who fights crime with over-sized candy canes.......

and big ol' tubs o' taffy:

Hey, those batarangs aren't cheap, and you don't always get them back! You've got to save a buck or two whenever you can.
Yes, I know it wasn't really Bruce under the cowl at that particular moment, but you know that was something he would have done back then. Don't act like it matters, because we both know it doesn't.
That was from Detective Comics #222, by the way.
See you tomorrow!
Awwwwwwww don't give up Adam!
Comics, like women sometimes test our love...they just want to make sure the amount they love us is being reciprocated.
That's why I like dogs.
About the Black Condor's "aquatic" abilities...
Seagulls, pelicans, and the like can dive under the water in search of prey.
They can't breathe, but they can travel short distances...
And taffy heated enough to make it pourable would sear and burn any flesh it touched...ewwww!
His best friend in high school was a manta ray. He learned a few tricks from him.
Yeah, I think that taffy is more likely to keep them dead for the police. Ever try to breathe with a thousand pounds of taffy on your face?
Coincidentally, a friend and I were just discussing the Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919:
Batman isn't my favorite, but goshdarnit, I admire a man who can improvise on that level.
SEAgulls and Pelicans - I get that they can dive for prey underwater. A Condor - even a Black Condor isn't so much known for near-Aquaman skill level...
...but you do have to admire a man what knows how to work his taffy...
and the plural of fish is still fish not fishes
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