You have to be careful with the bird motif. It took Hawkman a good 50 years before he became badass, which tells you how much tweaking of the bird-themed character has to take place. Otherwise, you look.... well, like a big bird. With arms.
And, I have to point out, that if Thor connects with that hammer shot he's about to deliver, we'll be having roast Bloodhawk with Bloodhawk giblet gravy for dinner.
For no reason, let's have a Random Super-Villain Cackle!(tm!):

Now, getting back to Bloodhawk: He was apparently a reasonably strong guy, and he talked like a parrot:

I don't understand why the cop in the right-hand foreground drops his gun like that. I mean, Bloodhawk is nowhere near him. This is the kind of guy who shot himself in the foot over in 'Nam, I'll betcha!
But Bloodhawk, lame as he was, knew that he could at least defeat the Wasp:
If the Avengers were a video game, the Wasp would be "training mode."
Anyway, I'd send Bloodhawk to the Character Hall of Shame, but he's almost so terrible that he's awesome. We'll give him a pass.
See you tomorrow!