Not that I was noticing what Peters or Carter look like from behind. I'm just saying. You know, sometimes you can't help but notice what a fella looks like when he's walking away. What? What? Why are you looking at me like that?
In that same issue, we were introduced to a new kind of hero: The wussy kind:

Can you believe this didn't catch on? Any comic that is produced in cooperation with any social services agency always signals good readin' to your average child. Nothing more fun than comics with a thinly-veiled agenda!
Actually, I'm being a little hard on Johnny. I'm one of those folks that thinks they should go back to teaching citizenship in school.
Ah, socially-conscious World's Finest #15, how I love to kick off the new year with thee. Love Thy Neighbor, won'tcha? Until we get to the Batman story, where we learn how to properly introduce adolescents to the death penalty:

You have to admire a comic that will offend liberals and conservatives alike.
I'm not sure who did the art on the Green Arrow story, but it was actually pretty good. Until we get to the last panel:

Look at the expressions on everyone's faces. It's like they were drawn by a guy in Tijuana who normally paints on velvet. Especially that policeman. Is he goosing Speedy? And why are we huddling like that? Are we supposed to hug or something?
See you tomorrow!
The ability of being able to recognise people from the behind should be included in the Little-Known Super-Power Hall of Fame! I bet it would come in very handy!
I accidentally misread a comma as a full stop in that Batman panel...
"They're only getting what they deserve. Dick."
and by Gum that goosing policemen is freaking me out. Seriously it's scary.
I like how "helping men understand what the other fellow thinks and feels" somehow involves beating up people who look and dress differently than he does.
"I recognize Peters from behind, because I spend so much time playing with Peters! What? Is there something wrong with a grown man playing with Peters?"
I too read the coma as a full stop.
Where are the policemans hands?
I don't know about Peters or Carter from behind, but he looks a lot like Hitler without a moustache from the front.
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