Yes, I know that between World's Finest, Detective Comics and his own self-titled book, I've been doing a truckload of Batman-related posts. I expect this will change relatively soon. In my defense, it's hard to read something else when it seems like a guarantee that the Silver Age Batman will give me something.
Like these little dandies from Detective Comics #309:
Death.... rides a wheeled polka-dotted dinosaur.
I don't know who is running this carnival, but I see a lawsuit in the making:

Considering the kind of giant-sized exhibits they usually have at museums and gas stations in Gotham City, I would hardly think this statute is a jaw-dropper, but bear with me.

Seriously? It can be pushed over by one guy? And they're
wheeling it around a crowded event?

So, besides having a four-story statute that one guy can push over getting tugged down the middle of the festivities on wheels,
that sword is apparently real. While I applaud the attention to detail, it's a little disturbing that someone thinks dangling a twelve foot sword above the heads of the general public is a good idea.
And what is the deal with this fun house?

A giant metal hand grabs you. But don't worry, as there is a perfectly sound explanation:

(A) Can you imagine the number of injury claims to be had when a giant iron hand grabs you and lifts you off the ground? What insurance carrier would go along with that? And (B) the fact that there is a "crush human" setting tells you that maybe, just
maybe, this is a really ill-conceived entertainment concept.
But as long as everyone worships Batman at the end, I suppose it's okay:
I am the Avenger of Evil, striking terror into the hearts and souls of criminals everywhere. I am also the King of Mari Gras! Come on, ladies! You know what I want to see! You've gotta earn these beads!
I haven't decided what I'm going to incorporate into this blog next, but with issues like that, it's hard to turn away.
See you tomorrow!
As someone from New Orleans, I have to say this is the most humdrum Mardi Gras float ever. And in a city that is full of giant, working props! Someone was napping at the design table.
Love the fun house
Just love how the writers write themselves out of a corner and make it has normal as the process it makes it so funny..
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