Oh, good. Some old school patrolling Gotham City. Perhaps they'll come upon a burglary, or help police stop a bank robbery.

Wait. What?

Okay, no one panic! It's probably just some time capsule that has mementos from the turn of the century!

It could just be a big snake! Maybe a big snake got in and was sleeping there or laying eggs or something! Snakes lay eggs, don't they?

Well, crap.
Let's try it again tomorrow!
That last panel would be a great candidate for "Fun With Out-of-Context Dialogue" - if it weren't for the enourmous and hairy one-eyed monster emerging from the hatch, which actually puts it totally in context.
I started reading Batman comic books shortly after the “new look” was introduced. The 25¢ “giant-size” comics were still filled with the “old look”, in stories like this. Mind you that the “new look” Batman was stll duking it out with evil-genius gorillas.
As far as I know all snakes lay eggs. However there is one snake that lays a type of egg that is sort of clear and gelatinous which makes it appear to be having live young, but isn't.
Also a couple of points (1) Why would Batman automatically think that the alien "looks" menacing? Does he judge people only on their looks?
(2) I would probably be pissed if I had been stuck somewhere for "eons"
(3) Good job robin for pointing out the obvious fact that the hatch is opening and that something is coming out. I am standing right here next to you, you know? I have taught you well.
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