You'd never think that a hero with a name like Captain Tootsie would be a tough guy, but even the Punisher would think twice before going mano a mano with this guy. I feel like killing bears and eatin' Tootsie Rolls.... and I'm all out of Tootsie Rolls!
And is it really necessary to string the bear's corpse up on display like that? Kinda reminds me of what they did to Jonah Hex....
Damn!..send some tootsie rolls and a sniper rifle to the colber report now!!
That is simultaneously the most disturbing and coolest ad I have seen in a comic book in a long time.
I love the Tech Specs on the sniperscope.
I'm just glad that the defenseless girls' camp was rescued by such a he-man from the incursions of large ursine mammals just trying to get something to eat.
Extra points for the amusing toothless hillbilly!
Oh dammit. I was going to use that same ad tomorrow...with the bear possibly being the kid's dad in costume to give the kiddies a thrill. Look at how Mom is checking out the dead hanging bear.
I have a bladder problem, so I can sure use that "whizzin' quick energy." Gosh-a-mighty!
"Thar's a KILLER BEAR loose in these parts!" Dang it, Charlie, so I hadn't been able to shower in a couple of days. I didn't smell that bad. (Snarl! Growl!)
Every sentence in this ad is pure brilliance, and most of them have probably never been heard spoken aloud in real life.
"Gosh, look at that dandy COON TAIL he's wearing!"
"Here, everybody eat a TOOTSIE ROLL! And Rollo, Fetch my Sniperscope from the tent."
"Wow! Listen to that excitement!"
Now we know what happens when Mr. Owl gets to the center of the Tootsie Pop: he kills a bear.
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