But you can be sure that today's panels came from Avengers v1 #43. Beyond that, I guarantee nothin':

Okay, let's get this straight: Quicksilver can fly by moving his legs really quickly? Shenanigans. If you don't believe me, scratch your dog's belly as fast as you can and see if his kicking legs ever get him off the ground. Nonsense. This was clearly an attempt at making Quicksilver more interesting than the Silver Age Flash, which didn't really happen. Quickie just never had much of a personality. Maybe it's the hair.
Hey! It's time for more Fun with Out of Context Dialogue!(tm):

Saying my belt buckle (and subsequently my pants) just "flew off like magic" is not a legal defense. Take my word for that one. Cops have no sense of humor.
And now.... Epithets with Hercules!(tm):

By the Bawdy Brawls of Dionysus! Collect 'em all!
Hey, remember when we saw those kids wearing FF and Avengers t-shirts? By an amazing coincidence, Marvel had 'em for sale in the gift shop:

Don't know about those buttons, though.
See you tomorrow!
Vibrating his legs at top speed gets him excited. We must understand.
It's the hair. Definitely.
I' glad that something gets Quicksiler excited. He's always such a pessimist about everything.
Why does Hercules sound like some campy shakespearean performer?
In all the stories and plays written in original ancient greek, Hercules is never characterised as some hyperbolic and pompous cretin...
I guess it really is, JUST a comic book.
All the stories and plays written in original ancient Greek sound really boring to me. Maybe they need a little of that ROY THOMAS PZAZZ to liven 'em up a little!
I say, old boy, what?
nobody beats teh greekz, yo.
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