You young 'uns have probably heard how big and unwieldy things were before your fancy mp3 players and such, but I don't think you can really appreciate just how honking big things were.
Observe the tape player:

And the record player:

Yup. Records were big enough to stand on, and you could swing across a room using your average tape player. Even toting a Walkman around required renting a U-Haul. You kids today, what with your tiny music devices and canned sandwiches:

Hey, kids! Test your level of bigotry! (tm?)

I think just printing that chart was a little disturbing, but what do I know? Maybe I should have a can of sandwich and think about it.
See you tomorrow!
Interesting tidbit: if this chart is from the era before hippies (as I am assuming it is), "long-hair music" refers not to that newfangled rock-and-roll stuff, but in fact to classical music. Yes!
I learned that from the Comics Curmudgeoun. :)
Ahhh! Thank you for clearing that up.
I feel that the criminal in the natty suit is about to follow up his "Batman got to us anyhow!" remark with "Boo hoo, what a spoil sport". They just don't write 'em like they used to....
DC (and the Bob Kane studio) loved them big lp records!
The Mr District Attorney comic book series,was packaged by the Bob Kane comic book studio. Kane was the co-creator (with Bill Finger) of the most famous fictional detective of the 20th Century--The Batman!
As shocked as I am by the chart, I'm even MORE intrigued by canned sandwiches. What a wonderful world! I can't wait to see what the candy surprise is inside.
Please tell us where the likes and dislikes chart came from.
Pretty please with a cherry on top?
That little dandy is the Brotherhood Quotient Test from Detective #266! I hope we all learned something today....
I like a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich as much as the next addict, but in a can? I think not.
I'm curious how they come up with the results for that test. Do they just tally it up? Do you get the same score if you dislike cabbage and spiders as you do if you dislike Jews and "Negroes"?
I remember seeing this chart in other books too, when I was a kid. I'm surprised they didn't have "Commies" as a category. Of course, it was good to discriminate against them.
I also think the "so-so" guy looks rather nauseated. Thank goodness for our many improvements in emoticons.
I'm more than a little repulsed by sanwich in a can...
I'm still trying to work out the purpose of the chart.
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