Now, let me get this straight: You've got Superman standing right there. The guy who can fly, life up entire buildings, shoot heat rays out of his eyes, and is slower only than the Flash.
Who is Batman trying to raise on the telegraph?
I mean, do you have someone who might be a little better equipped to handle the situation? Frankly, if I've got Superman and Batman helping me out, and Batman hops on the telegraph to raise some ham radio operator in Scotland for assistance, I'm going to think I have given these guys way too much credit over the years.
This is the best Buzzy PSA ever:

I put this on my personal Facebook page and "tagged" some friends with it. It was very well-received, so feel free to do the same.
A great one from Batman #46:

Whitey learned the hard way why no one took Batman up on his offer to "go out for a few drinks and some male bonding" more than once...
Er...it's nice that Superman is holding the door shut, to keep the water out, but couldn't he simply fly outside and LIFT UP THE BOAT?
On first glance, I thought Batman had installed a live-in bartender at the Batcave. Which would be really cool. Imagine it turns out there's been a live-in bartender in the Batcave all the while, and he's never been mentioned because everyone takes his presence for granted. And all stories that take place within the Batcave are being told from his perspective...
Looks like Batman ran outa Bat-Rufies.
Anybody else think "Wolfie" bears a resemblence to Bob Hope?
Whitey be trippin', yo.
Robin looks like he should have a word balloon starting "Hey, Dumbass!..."
Obviously the marketing-plot nuances are too subtle for you guys. IF Superman is throwing his body against the door and not quite keeping the flood out and IF Batman is desperately sending an SOS, then it is NOT business as usual!! You're supposed to buy the issue with frantically concerned thoughts of "Kryptonite? Magic? Why has Superman lost his powers??"
(of course, the way those cover hooks always worked, if the cover wasn't completely bogus, our heroes would all be pretending to be helpless dweebs after being tricked into some crazy bet for charity or something)
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