If he let's go of them, they'll fall to their deaths! And here I am flying around worrying about it! What can I do if he lets them go? If only one of us could defy gravity somehow and catch them! I should stop flying and land safely on the ground until we figure out what to do!
"If only one of us could create force shields to stop their fall!"
"Or if only two of us with extendable appendages were in a flying car of some sort!"
"Or if one of us had prehensile hair, or ..."
Take it and run.
Oops, I fail at reading comprehension. Adam Barnett, you may dispose of me, now :(
Still, these classic FFs are great to lampoon.
Take it and run.
I just realized -- Franklin's a blonde! So who in tarnation is that kid Sue's holding? Is there something you and Medusa would like to confess, Reed?
earl, there no such thing as an unwelcome comment around here.... I actually couldn't come up with the adjective I needed for Medusa's hair, so good save! :-)
Yeah, other than Ben, I think everyone there could have prevented the proposed tragedy. Lame, lame, lame....
I just love this cover. FF #134 is one of my all-time favorite Sue Storm hostage issues. She looked super gorgeous in this issue.
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