
does not appreciate public displays of affection.
However, Batman....

appreciates a swingin' bachelor pad.
And Batman.....

didn't know Ed was a rock hound.
I think we've all learned a few things here today.
Watch out, kids! They're gonna try and teach us something!

They meant well, but you and I both know you never read those PSA's. I'm certainly not taking any life lessons from Superman. Anyone who can fly and shrug off bullets has far too good of a life to give me any input on how to get through mine.
Can you imagine them running PSA's like that today? People would be up in arms about trying to actually teach children morality as if it were some sort of Communist mind-control endeavor.
See you tomorrow, hepcats!
That's gotta be Superman's daughter on the left in the PSA. She's got his radical blue hair!!
wow batman's gt some femimint lip in the top scan
I didn't know Ed was a rockhound, either!
If he didn't like Liza, then why did he borrow her lips?
Say what you will, I'm glad they don't make PSAs with demon zombie children in the front, beckoning to you to come nearer while they leer at you, thinking only of your delicious internal organs.
I had exactly the same thought, Allergy. I can just hear the kid on the bottom right croaking "Join usss... Join usss...!"
you know what I noticed the first thing in that first panel??
the fact that the woman's lips as well as his lips were drawn the SAME EXACT way. It was as if they copied and pasted the lips into two different characters.
for some reason this disturbs me on so many levels...
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