Monday, June 1, 2009

Mass Transportation is a Vital Part of any Thriving Metropolis Monday!

Burn Notice starts up again on USA this Thursday at 9/8 p.m. You have been so advised.

This is why I preferred the Falcon over Captain America. The Falcon tells it like it is, while Cap has get all "Drama Queen" about it. How does wrecking a single cable car destroy a whole city? It doesn't, of course. Cap needs to take a chillaxative. That's right.... I'm over 40, and I said "chillaxative."

Notice that, before bursting into the chorus of "I am Woman," Ms. Marvel qualified the statement. Who are the Wasp's male counterparts, anyway? I mean, Yellowjacket? That's probably true, because they both usually get swatted or caught in a jar in about the first 10 seconds of any given battle. But that doesn't mean she's not useless. It just means that Yellowjacket is about as useless as she is. Which is, in Wonder Man's defense, pretty dang useless.

Character Hall of Fame time!:

Badass and tragically underused, I give you the Taskmaster. Having photokinetic reflexes and able to duplicate any feat he sees (except stuff no normal human being can do, like flying), he's awesomely difficult to beat and gets tougher all the time. Relegated to training minions most of the time, the Taskmaster only gets trotted out every so often, but he's always a handful and has a bitchin' "hooded skull" thing going on there. Welcome to the Hall of Fame, Taskmaster!

See you tomorrow!


Sea-of-Green said...

Yay, Taskmaster! I had that comic growing up. :-) Glad to see he isn't completely forgotten!

SallyP said...

Taskmaster really should be insanely rich by now, considering the amounts of money he is paid to train minions and such. Still...I guess he does like to keep his hand in.

Anonymous said...

"The City is Doomed" stuff from Cap. comes from way back in the
40s when the city only had 1 cable car and if that was wrecked, the citizens were all doomed to walk.

Allergy said...

"Help me save this cablecar, or the whole city is doomed!"

"Hep' yo seff, suckuh!"

Philip Marlowe said...

As much as I love this era of The Avengers, it's just so...soapy! Chris Claremont gets grief for being melodramatic in Uncanny X-Men, but I don't have a single ish of the Avengers that didn't harp on and on with "I'm the chairman of the team" and Wasp's nonsense about looking beautiful. I must've stuck around for the Byrne and Perez artwork, or the fact that all those costumes looked great together.

As for Ms. Marvel (who was attractive, but a real ice queen), didn't it seem like in the 70s characters in TV and comics were always letting each other know which decade it was? "Love, American Style" pioneered this and then every show afterwards did it, too. As if we had come so far as a nation that we had to step back and recognize that wearing crappy, synthetic clothes (like super-heroes?) for ten years was trailblazing. I can tell you that polyester and Miami's summers don't equal breathable conditions...

Love this blog, sign me up!

super-rob said...

Taskmaster is the BEST! If I was rooting for a villain, he would be the one. I do not know that anyone handled him really well after this, but he should have been a number one foe. Could kill the Hood any number of ways...