I know you've sat through enough "I Love the 80's" episodes on VH1 to be assured that the rubik's cube was, indeed, a major fad. I was never any good at it, but there was a kid in my class that was so good at it, he was on the local radio station demonstrating his ability. Of course, since he was on the radio, no one actually saw him do anything, so they might as well have put my cat on the show and claim she solved one in 47 seconds. His claim to fame was thus rather watery, and he grew up to become a permanent resident at our state penetentiary (sadly, that isn't a joke).
Anyway, those of us who read comics were likely to buy anything from those pages (I mean, we were already putting aside our willing suspension of disbelief, so our little brains were prime real estate for shills around the world). But I know of no one, and I openly defy you to produce anyone, who actually bought this stuff. Although, according to Wikipedia over 300,000,000 of the cubes themselves have been sold, I double dog dare you to find me a tube of this stuff. If you had to lube your rubik's cube, that, like Preparation H, is something in a tube you had better keep to yourself or you are just asking for many a dateless weekend. That's right, I'm the biggest nerd walking the planet, and I will call you a schmoe if I find out you have a tube of "cube lube."
I'm just trying to wrap my brain around the concept of a Rubik's cube that's dried out from overuse. Wouldn't a person be more likely to develop permanent, crippling arthritis before that happened? Bah!
Sweet blog, by the way!
That, or there was a secret network of underground Rubik's cube solving competitions, where the best time would win and, I'm just guessing here, the losers would be executed on the spot. In that kind of situation, any little edge could really help.
there was a secret network of underground Rubik's cube solving competitions, where the best time would win and, I'm just guessing here, the losers would be executed on the spot.
Why wasn't this the plot of a 1980s Marvel licensed comic?!!
Written by Bill Mantlo
Illustrated by Herb Trimpe
Echoing BB: fantastic blog!
But in case you've run out, you can STILL buy Cube Lube here:
I have it on good authority that cube lube could be used on a great many other things besides rubiks cubes.
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