What an amazing coincidence that I was given fire-related powers! Good thing I was already wearing a fire-themed costume!
And now, I give you the downward spiral of Clark Kent:

Yeah, my boy Clark is one bump on the head away from being a ward of the State.
Um.... I'm standing right here, Pa!
Did I tell you to quit sackin', boy?

Lana Lang: Whore.

Desperate for acceptance, Clark joins the Skinheads. But even they don't bother to learn his real name....
(yes, I know.... Clark was using a different secret ID at the time.... I was more amazed that a fraternity had a "crew cut" requirement.... no wonder I never joined anything.....)
Maybe the Legionnaires rejected Fire Lad because that fire-breathing posture is a little too... suggestive?
Frat boy: "You're also required to spend a couple hours a day modeling our handsome crew cuts, like Glenn and Brad in the corner there."
"I've got a first-prize willie too, hiding behind this cash register."
I interpreted Joe's comment as calling "Clark" a "Mark" meaning victim.
If only the cash register scene had featured Robin instead of Superboy. Then we could have had:
Why, oh why couldn't that have been Robin's dad?
Oh, right, he's dead.
Carry on.
Gee, poor Clark does look a little peeved there. Can't say that I blame him, ol' Pa Kent there, is pretty cold.
Do you suppose that woman just ran from store to store, all along Main street, accosting perfect strangers so that she could brag about her kid?
Damn Yuppies.
Fire Lad's comment about causing "accidental holocausts" is oddly disturbing.
gonna buy me a moped!
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