Once again, when Brainiac 5 is telling you to step off, you've got to re-examine your social standing. Why is Brainy the guy always telling people they can't come along, anyway?
In any sense, I doubt the radio is so complicated it takes two people to answer it. If you don't want to have me along, at least make up a better excuse than that.
Ah-HA! You thought I was paranoid, didn't you? So, Bouncing Boy is handy to have at parties, but it pretty much ends there. Because, as we all know, fat people have nothing but comic relief to contribute to the world, ever.

He has to save you, Lana? Really? He has to? I think that's a pretty strong term...
Just once I'd like to see Clark say, "Well, she got herself into this mess, and it's not like it's my job to save her or anything..."

I'm not a veterinarian, but I don't think it's making earthquakes. Check out the expression on its face. When my dogs have that expression, I keep 'em away from my leg, if you know what I mean....
Bouncing Boy eventually wins out in the end when he marries Duo Damsel and has threesomes any time he wants.
Oh, that's one satisfied looking dinosaur.
And yes, it would have been such a relief to let Lois or Lana just go...splat for a change. And it would serve them right.
This only confirms my suspicion that the League are a bunch of brats. BRATS!
I used to laugh at fat people because they couldn't do what skinny people could, and that was funny.
Then I became one... :'(
Lana: {SPLASH}
Clark: Hey Lana!
Lana: {GLUB} Save me Superboy!
Clark: Sorry, no flights, no tights!
No words.
no. No words.
So Earthquake Beast did the "earth move for you"?
Poor Clark doesn't have much of a self-image. "My girlfriend must have some ulterior motive for wanting to spend time with me. She can't possibly LIKE being around me".
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