Superboy isn't thinking about his grandmother as he patrols Smallville.....
I'm a little surprised it was even an issue. Has he been working on that or something?
Yay! An alarm-siren! Anything to get my grandmother out of my mind!
When I think of my grandmother, I think of a sweet lady who used to sing all the time and could play almost any song written before 1960 on the piano. I shudder to think what Clark's Gram-Gram did that causes him such torment.
contributed by sPat:

I can't remember the rest of the story, so maybe there's more to it, but why is Spider-Man giving that piece of jewelry the finger?
Yeah, I know. Technically, it's his fourth finger, but you can tell what Steve Ditko was going for when he drew it.

Well, I know someone who probably didn't get into art school with this particular "test of talent." If they did get into art school, I hope someone taught them a thing or two about skintones.
This strikes me as funny because we've all seen these "Draw Blinky!"-type ads a million times, but I've never seen anyone who actually took a shot at it. Someone sure did like the color red!
Does Superboy even HAVE a grandmother?
Not only did I take a shot at the Famous Artists Test, I sent it in and they sent a salesman out to my house to convince my mother to spend a lot of dough to get trained.
She had the good sense to tell him no.
Really, scripter and/or lettering guy?
That's not an "alarm-siren"! A clock-radio, maybe, but that's about it.
on spidy with the hooked hip and come hither finger, he appears to be propositioning that lamp, or possible the sorcerer supreme, maybe both
I took that art test. And I got a letter back from them that politely ended my aspirations to be a comic book artist.
Regarding the "Draw Binky" or whatever ads:
oddly enough my Uncle Eldon is somewhat the art savant but he never put his talent to use.
One time I asked him if he could draw the ad in question.
He then sketched the ad perfectly, but with a twist.
He drew with his left hand--as he was left handed--and then drew it again perfectly with his right hand. He then sketched Batman from a comic book with either hand.
He is still around and still eccentric, odd, you name it.
He also but a projection TV from a kit in 1972!
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