Folks, when the guy who does nothing but think tells you to step off, you should really reconsider what kind of image you are projecting as an action hero. That's like Richard Simmons telling you he doesn't think you'd be much help in a bar fight. I would think Brainy would be happy to have someone along who makes him look tough....

I think (a) Colossal Boy is really just surprised that they have a medallion-manufacturing machine in their meeting room and (b) that it's so honkin' big! Where do you begin? I mean, in 10,000 years, that's the most streamlined version of a medallion-manufacturing machine they can come with? And why do we have one just sitting there in our headquarters, anyway? Does everyone get a medallion at the completion of a mission? Is the LSH like a Special Olympics for teenage super-heroes of the future? So many mysteries the future holds....

I'm not a Saturn Girl fan, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but if you have time to say all that dialogue but still can't actually do anything to really help out, you should probably be sitting back at the Legion Clubhouse helping Polar Boy vandalize Brainiac 5's locker....
Well...she IS just a girl. It's not like she's supposed to DO stuff.
But the thought of Polar Boy riffling Braniac's locker is delightful.
I agree! I love it when any character goes on for three pages of dialogs rather than help: "Look out Superman, Mxyzptlk, your evil foe from the fifth dimension, has created a new form of Kryptonite and is firing it at you from that huge space cannon that makes it a zillion times more powerful!" here's a better line: "Superman! RUN!"
Since all Saturn Girl could do was read minds,how could she help? "Back,you fiend,lest I read your mind and learn of your most embarrassing moment!"
Sorry to nitpick,but the 30th century is only about a thousand years into the future. I think either of the methods for manufacturing medallions-either loading silver into the machine,or the Riverworld process of converting energy into matter-would require considerable bulk.
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