There's an emergency, you say? Well, let's go! Oh, you mean he's already in the emergency room? Quick, out of the car! Back in the building! Whoop Whoop!

Will the pure heart of Linda Carter, Student Nurse, help control this highly agitated patient?

Nah. But that's what chemical restraints are for, right? I'm impressed that the doc could take a punch like that, though. Maybe doctors are really badass. But probably not.
See you tomorrow!
Jay Leno sure was a tough little punk in his youth, wasn't he?
"Mister, if I wasn't a doctor I'd... have been a model!
I'm sure some of the medical practices they're using break legal borders.
Unwillingness to treat a patient. Administering drugs against a patients will...hmmm
Wasn't there a very special ER with this plot line?
Not to be nitpicky or anything, but don't they have orderlies for this sort of thing? Making student nurses into security guards just seems a tad extreme.
Wow, who knew that Lynda Carter used to be a student nurse before changing her name's spelling and becoming Wonder Woman!
I happen to know a guy who's a medical doctor professionally and is really into wing chun kung fu as a hobby.
Part of the reason is that he's a prison doctor, but still: he just needs to learn some quantum physics and to play the guitar and he'll have Buckaroo Banzai's four main skills.
It's kind of like being there for the tragic moment when Snapper Carr realized that his "snap" was boarding the last plane out, or something...
-- cleome45
"I don't need no drugs" is a double negative, so he really does want drugs. Pump him chock full 'o morphine.
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