At last! I've hit the bullseye! Now if only I could remember where I left my pants....
What was with comics back in the day? In the 40's and the 50's, there was some odd obsession with exposing the legs of little boys.... and I'm still not convinced he's wearing anything in the groinal naughty region.

This is why Clark never got any play with the ladies. Guys, if a girl invites you to do something, no matter how dull or lame it sounds, take her up on it. Don't ask any stupid questions, just do it. Otherwise, you'll be "puttering around in your shop" well into your forties....

Coolest toy ever. How is it that this didn't go over?
I'd like to see Agent Zero M get captured by SMERSH or SPECTRE or soomething and see if they're as easily fooled. Those guys will wipe that smug grin from his stupid face.
I didn't have the movie camera (though my friend Kip did), but I did have the radio that turned into a submachine gun and a couple of the other accessories.
Damn, I felt like a real spy.
oh, dave.... that is beyond awesome! was it half as cool as the ad made it look?
Hey, hey, hey! Don't be cruel! I had the movie camera! It WAS cool!
When you're 9 years old in 1965, any spy-related toy is cool.
It wasn't as cool as the James Bond slot car set: http://snipurl.com/1wfqj but it was pretty darn good.
Happy Nude Year GA!
Try taking any of those items on an airplane these days and see what hijinks occur.
Thus begins the long-running tradition of Oliver Queen losing his pants. ;-)
Didn't Ollie get...I don't know...COLD when the wind blew? At least due to his own horrible experience (and probably Superboy's snickering) he allowed Speedy to wear tights.
I had both of these toys!
thanks for showing this ad because I forgot about them until reading it.
The Movie Camera was very cool.
Damn I miss cap guns!
Another toy that went along with these two was Sixth Finger and I had 2! of those!
Alan B.
A pocket knife is harmless?! These "spies" have obviously never crossed paths with the US Department of Homeland Security. Spies... or terrorists????
Did anyone notice that the Adventure Comics cover is stamped with the owner's name? Michael Daniel Jablow.
Throw in the requisite Haywood and you're done.
Who knew such a name existed?
Yeah, there are two things I can't figure out: Why did they quit making those toys (and what happened to Alan B's?) and did Michael Daniel Jablow have one?
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