That seems to happen a lot, especially in comics. If bad guys really want to stay hidden, why do they come up with an alias a 7 year-old could decode? That Selrahc Nosnam guy who just moved in next door sure does know how to throw a party! Hey, wait a minute....
Yes, because when we gain a little weight or our hair thins, men become unrecognizable shells of their former selves. Eeesh.
'Scuze me, but you bought a what from a who? I'll bet the story behind that transaction was more interesting than the story I just read! And mind you, this was before ebay had ever been invented!
"Sockamagee"?! What the heck is a sockamagee? Is that Future Man's way of saying, "Well, bust my britches"?
I don't know what Sockamagee means, but I know that I'm going to start yelling it at inappropriate times from now on!
I can only assume that the gentleman has been to one or two of Dr. Doom's yard sales.
"That Selrahc Nosnam guy who just moved in next door sure does know how to throw a party!"
eh, he's just a homebody, actually. More of a Family guy.
These monsters I created are busting up my crib! No wonder that scientist was impoverished.
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