Yes, folks. Superboy is bending light itself. Remember when Johnny Storm made a "heat mirage" by making a bundle of dynamite appear that was really 100 feet underground? Same principle. Could totally happen. At least, that's what I'll tell my brother-in-law, right after I tell him how wrong he is in a diagnosis because it completely conflicts with something I saw on House. It's fun to watch smart people get migraines from stupidity.

Two Questions: Is this supposed to be the real Johnny Carson? And what was he doing with those glasses in the locker room?

This explains so much about Superman....
Clark went to school with Johnny Carson? COOL.
And Clark was once a GIRL!?! Wow. That's even worse than Guy Gardner getting turned into a girl.
You know, Smallville is one really strange little town.
Oh, and Guy was MUCH prettier as a girl than Clark.
Looks like being assigned to the Gay City story changed Clark in more ways than we predicted.
Guy Gardner was turned into a girl? And I wasn't informed????
Try Guy Gardner: Warrior. It was called "A Gender Bender in the Blender" by Beau Smith, and it was hilarious.
Eight pages of the Gal Gardner story are here: http://www.tgfa.org/comics/, and the rest of the Super-Sister story can be found here: http://www.tgfa.org/comics/superman/superman.htm
Say what you will, Super-Sister was hot -- as was Claire, for that matter.
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