My willing suspension of disbelief isn't kicking in here. First, and foremost, Reed is talking to Doctor Octopus. When has Doc Ock been afraid of anyone? The man has tangled with everyone this side of Galactus!
The other problem I have is that it's Reed talking to Doctor Octopus. C'mon, Reed, who are you kidding? You're a science geek with premature gray. What are you going to do, hit him with your pocket protector?
Shenanigans, I say!
Especially since the "threat" is to arrest him. "I'll wrap my belly around your face and suffocate you," sure, that could be a little scary in more ways than one. But plain old "incarcerate"? Nah.
Hey, remember the negative zone?
Ol' Reed's always taken "incarcarate" a little further than most.
Also, Reed is a total Badass. He beat up Dinosaurs, Doom, Z-list villians, alternate Disney built RoboStalin, and Multidimensional buracracy. Easily.
Simonson run, baby.
Smart people are scary. Look at Einstein...he was a monster.
I have this book somewhere. It was a lot more chilling since a few panels earlier, Reed froze the Hulk with a look.
This was after the time when Doc Ock was terrified of Spider-Man. Spidey had ripped Ock's metal arms off his body (at the end of a great arc in Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man).
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