I just don't think that's the law in Kansas. California, maybe. In Oklahoma, a custodial parent is entitled to the earnings of the child and I just don't think a bordering state where a lot of kids work on the family farm would be much different. Maybe the judge went to law school in California. In any event, kids should hold off on pulling this stunt until they run it past a local attorney.
But, while I have your attention, who is that guy with the orange suit sitting in front of the Judge's bench and staring lecherously at Superboy? He doesn't seem to have any court function, so I'm thinking he's the local creepy guy who has to sit where the Judge can keep an eye on him so he isn't caught helping students adjust their athletic supporters at football practice....
Dang, I almost took the high road for a minute.
He's the Creepy Court Stenographer. In Superboy's world, they, um, stenographize with a lamp instead of one of those funny little typewriters.
hes the guy who types everything everyone says
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