It may look like I'm picking on Buzzy here, but I'm actually a fan. The strip itself is a little dated, but he had a way of sharing positive lessons without being too preachy about it. Although I'm not totally sure what who his "Dutch Uncle" is, but I presume you don't want to leave your child alone in his care.
In this case, Buzzy is half right. Sending off anti-social vibes is something all teenagers do, and it makes life unnecessarily difficult. However, if Buzzy thinks that being a well-groomed, well-mannered guy is going to get you the high school chicks, he has another think coming. No, what he's done is guaranteed that his pal will never get any action, but will always be on hand while the girl he thinks about when he masturbates complains to him about the asshole she is dating. Thanks for showing me how to trap myself in the friend zone, Cassanova!
Since I never miss an opportunity to show my advanced age, I will explain that a "Dutch Uncle" is someone who will criticize you bluntly. It's actually one of several old phrases that were based on some kind of negative notion about the Dutch (that I don't pretend to understand). Just as a "Dutch treat" was no treat at all, and "Dutch Courage" was something found in a bottle, the "Dutch Uncle" was not the kindly person that a real uncle was supposed to be.
I had kind of gleamed that about the Dutch Uncle, but I had never heard of Dutch Courage, and it never occured to me to connect it with Dutch Treat. That's some good info right there!
Apparently, the Dutch have something of a bad reputation.
"Bob, quit being a Dutch Friend. This isn't a Dutch Party and we've all had enough of your Dutch Smiles and Dutch Pleasant Conversation. So knock it off or I'll have to give you a Dutch Relaxing Facial Massage."
F'n Dutch.
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