That little bugger snuck a funny one in! I'm from your anus! That's pretty good for a smart-aleck from the 1950's!

Jerry the Jitterbug just made the Character Hall of Fame. No teases allowed in his jalopy! Put out or get out, Toots!

Is it such a good idea to hang the rifle from the Christmas tree? Merry Christmas, kids! Say, what's that hanging from the tree? Let me see if I can reach it.... OW! I've been shot in the eye!
"Slightly higher Rockies,West Coast and Canada" ? Why would they hang them higher in those places? Are the little kiddies generally taller in those areas?
As we already established, Jerry the Jitterbug doesn't like easy girls.
Or maybe he's looking for that magic girl who puts out for him, and not for anyone else. Ah, 'twas a simpler time when these were written...
Haven't parents of Daisy owners ever heard of wrapping presents?
Hang a Daisy from each of that Jupitonian's wrists?
That's a WMD, right there.
Just wanted to come by and let you know you were one of the five blogs I highlighted for 'Blog Day 2007' on my blog.
I love the site and some of the pics I recognize from comics of my youth. :)
Didn't Pretty Woman inform us all that hookers don't kiss? Sounds like Jerry didn't have time to listen to the rest of the ground rules. Poor, foolish, impatient boy.
Hilarious! That guy from Uranus looks 'armless!
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