Wow.... the Coast Guard is getting to be just a little too lazy, don't you think? I mean, Aquaman is supposed to be the King of the Freakin' Seven Seas, and these guys are talking about hitting him up to establish traffic lanes. This would be insane except.....
our co-dependent super-hero agrees:

Takes right to it, doesn't he? He reminds me of the Capital Patrol - those security cops that work in government areas who won't do a thing to help you if you're getting sodomized by Osama Bin Laden on the steps of the Capitol Building, but will appear out of nowhere to write you a ticket if you double-park. I kid you not... I was present when an employee was assaulted by an angry client. Where was Captiol Patrol? Writing a ticket on the parked car of my co-worker. Their response? "Well, we can't be everywhere." It's hard to argue with that kind of logic...

So, where does one go to pay that ticket exactly? I mean, a guy who lives like a fish just wrote you a citation, so where do we go from here? If the clerk's office is at the bottom of the Briney Deep, I think old Horace ought to shove Alma out of the boat until she goes down and pays it for him.
Great find! Made me chuckle!
If only we can work the Space Cabbie into this somehow.
And get Haney to write it.
It took me a second to realize that the leathery, nearly topless, head-kerchiefed individual in the last panel was "Alma" and not some pirate out of an N.C. Wyeth painting.
I think I need a vacation.
That is the craziest looking dolphin that I've ever seen! It's got freaking whiskers! Not that I mind that in a dolphin . . .
Aquaman...Sea Lane Traffic Cop! Why the stories would just write themselves!
I like text you included in the comics, because are more of our epoch, however are not comparable with the originals.
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