Well, good thing I hung in there. I think I'll take a well-deserved break. The odds of that happening again are....

.... oh, sh!t.
You do have to give the Flash editors credit, though. To recycle a plot device is one thing, but to plaster it on the covers within two years of one another in the same title takes stones the size of cantaloupes.
Here's another one from Matthew. I can't believe I've never heard of the Gay Ghost:

You know, even if you take the "other" meaning of "Gay" out of the equation, that is still not exactly the most awe-inspring, fear-inducing super-hero name one could choose.
Good stuff, Matthew! Thanks!
Meanwhile, Batman was just getting lazy by the time his 50th issue rolled around:

Of course, the Joker has been known to kill entire roomfuls of police officers before breakfast, but I'm sure Batman had a tee time he just couldn't interrupt. Phoning it in, Batman? Really?
See you tomorrow!
Not sure when it happened, but the Gay Ghost's name was changed to the Grim Ghost.
Well, let's not forget that the Flash also ran around the Anti-Monitor's giant multiverse-smashing machine thingy in the original crisis, and that killed him... Um, until he came back.
Isn't that Hitler in the church fighting the gay ghost?
Adam, on the second cover, how in the world did you miss "Menace of the Man Missile?" There's a great Out of Context dialogue cut right there!
Wow, Robert, you're right! That's the best title ever!
So the Gay Ghost was charged with fighting off the filthy atheists?
No wonder they're taking over the world...
The Gay Ghost has a lot of other problems besides the name. His not-very-ghostly medieval courtier getup strikes fear into the heart of nobody. He doesn't wear shoes, so he is easily felled by carpet tacks, coat hangers, and freshly-waxed floors. And...well, yeah, there's the name. I mean, lots of characters could be "gay" in the sense of "happy and carefree" and be menacing at the same time. But a ghost?
It looks like The Rifleman was just turning around, looking for where his young sidekick had gotten to with that firewood, when - POW! - right in the "mysterious bag."
It doesn't help that the Gay Ghost is described as a "Two-Fisted Spirit".
The Gay Ghost appears in Comic Book Limbo in Animal Man 24: he tells Animal Man that, unlike his fellow Limbonians (Limboites? Limbons?), he's really hoping that DC does not put him back in the continuity.
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