Another one of several plot devices that gets recycled ad nauseum in comics is the old "backward masking" gag, henceforth known as the Backward Masking Syndrome. Why? Because calling something a "syndrome" sounds bitchin'.
Here's a Golden Age example from Batman #7:

Rekoj? Why, what an odd name! Is it Russian?
I mean, it's one thing if your name spelled backwards is something like "Smith" or "Robinson," but when you spell your name backwards and it looks so weird a reader can't help but process it until your clever ruse is uncovered..... well, you're just begging to get caught.
And I'm not even touching the "queer ad" part.
Also from Batman #7:

The most non-eventful fight panel in the history of the world. I've seen cave drawings that were more intense than this.
You see it, right? They both totally miss each other! I paid 10 cents to see people land a few punches, and they aren't delivering!
From Batman #9:

Wow, Bats really had Robin groomed, didn't he?
We're gonna die, but recite your multiplication tables!
1x1 is 1, 1x2 is 2.... AIIIIEEEEEEE!!!
I know I'm about 50 years too late, but I really feel like social services should be called....
Also from Batman #9:

You can try and tell me all day long that Robin isn't saying anything dirty, but I double-dog dare you to go up to two guys you don't know and say that. Let me know how that turns out for you.
And by the way.... Everyone who has anything even remotely to do with Heroes? Adam loves you.
See you tomorrow!
wouldn't calling the it the Lana Lang Syndrome be more fitting? It describes every Superboy story she was ever in...
I thought about that.... but since Lana Lang was never really dissuaded from believing that Clark was really Superboy, I think we have to give Lana a pass. At least she remained suspicious.
I think we should go with "LL Syndrome" so we can go with both.
One of my friends once screwed up that old walnuts joke by asking, "What do you call nuts that hang on my chin? Wait.. I mean your chin ... *YOUR* chin! Augggh!"
We never let him live that down.
Huh. I've never heard of that poem - "Casabianca" - before.
There was a Superman cover once where Supes chews out Lois for being so amazingly stupid as to not notice that he and Clark Kent were the same person.
I have to admit that I've never seen anyone, much less Robin...beat up anonymous thugs with a wooden hanger.
I..I loved it.
I love the fact that it's green , so it matches his costume.
It's like he just pulled it out of his utility belt or something.
the "Robin-coat-hanger"!
And last post's avengers shenanigans had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Good show!
What constitutes experience as a practical joker? I've used a whoopie cushion a few times. Could I join the Mr. Rekoj's gang?
"I have to admit that I've never seen anyone, much less Robin...beat up anonymous thugs with a wooden hanger."
Joan Crawford wielded a pretty mean wire one, didn't she?
I want to know how Mr. Rekoj finagled the address 13 Gloom Street.
You'd think Batman would patrol that whole Gloom area a bit more than usual.
The scene with, "The most non-eventful fight panel in the history of the world. I've seen cave drawings that were more intense than this." reminds me of the BS they teach kids today about not even being able to play tag because it's "hitting." See kids? Batman and the Joker settle their issues by PRETENDING to hit each other.
So THAT'S why Incrediboy changed his name to Syndrome!
-Don Julian
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