From Superboy & LSH v.1 #252. I'm sure the writer meant for the artist to really convey Saturn Girl kicking some serious ass, but this limp noodle of a fight scene is what we got.
Who was to blame? On the one hand, the artists (Stanton and Hunt) had long since crapped up the visual portion of the title by this time, but how do you draw Saturn Girl "going wild"? I mean, she's a telepath. She sits around and thinks. We should actually be glad she made any physical contact at all. I probably would have just drawn her stamping her feet and nagging Lightning Lad again.
Fun fact time from All-Star Comics #19!:
It wasn't seen up to this point, but apparently there was a piano in the Justice Society's Headquarters:

.... and yet there was no piano bench. Do we make a comment about Diana being on her soap box again, or would that be too obvious?

The Atom also apparently had a .... *ahem*.... appreciation for a woman's hands.
Hey, I'm not judging! We've all got our things! I swear, I'm not judging!
A little classic Tootsie Roll ad from famous Captain Marvel artist C.C. Beck!

Yeah, mom. Tootsie Rolls give us energy! If you don't let me eat this candy, I'm turning you in to Homeland Security!
Check out the weird promotional prize at the end. Semaphore signal flags? Really? I can't think of anything more pointless than my chubby 6 year old self standing around the back yard with these stupid things in my hand. This is the kind of pointless gift my great-Aunt Myrtle would get me (along with a commemorative fifty-cent piece I wouldn't be allowed to spend).
I love the selling text though:
These may help me later in life? What the heck kind of life do you think I'm going to have where I may have to depend on some cheap plastic flags? I know I'm reading comics, so that implies a certain underachievement and all, but what exactly are you getting at? Geez!
Now I'm all upset. Cue Colossal Boy fighting a dinosaur!

Much better. Thank you, Superboy & LSH v.1, #233!
See you Monday!
Hootin' Zoots!
Wicked, wicked zoot! bad zoot! I don’t know the context of Wonder Woman’s panel but I assume that she’s playing the notes from a message from some guy who died / vanished. Why must all of these “final words” be in code (cough) Da Vinci Code (cough) that NO ONE would ever get? First, G sharp… Why, these are the secret plans for… the secret weapon the stereotypical Nazis are looking for in the third panel! Carried by – um, the muscular guy in the tight clothes with the handbag full of candy for the little boy! The spies say, “We catch der liddle poy!” so what does the poy do? He, um, blows a whistle. Remember kids, strangers have the best candy. Ew! Thanks for making my day Adam! I love this site!
Thank you, Superboy & LSH v.1, #233!
Yes, Thank you!
(That dino looks terrified!)
The navy flags will come in useful later in life because as they knew even in the '40s, THE WORLD OF THE FUTURE IS ENDLESS WAR.
I like how it says "Nothing to buy!" ....except the flags, give us a dime
I've actually been looking for semaphore flags. I occasionally cashier as a back up at work and I thought it'd be funny if I used them to direct people towards my lane...
The Atom DOES seem to have a weird fascination with those hands. On the other hand, he IS running around wearing a corset and no pants.
But the Dinosaur is very nice.
So is the twink hawking the rolls called Tootsie the Twink???
And is he the golden age original of Hostess Twinkie, the superhero impersonating crossdresser (which explains all the out of character behaviour and tongues in the twinkie ads)
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