First, do not squander the resource that was created by foldedsoup's rockin' recyclin' of CMNS panels of yore wherein he took my funny and made it funnier. I'll tell you right now this is the funniest thing you're going to see on the 'net today, so if you decide to quit surfing after you read it, I'll totally understand.
But, if you come back, we can talk social responsibility!

Yeah, Superboy, we were just coming back to

I'm with Superboy.... you can only have too many statues of yourself before it gets embarassing. Sometimes, less is more!

I've never understood why Sue does this. Instead of shucking her clothes, she just makes them invisible. Why, other than for the artist's benefit, would she do that? I mean, her street clothes are still there, whether she can see them or not. That means, despite appearances to the contrary, she's tripping over her Armani scarf and stumbling around in high heels. Not to mention the constant use of her limited power keeping the street clothes invisible to begin with. Think globally, act locally, Sue!
So you noticed Sue's ridiculous use of her powers, but not her terrible haircut or She-Hulk exposing her massive chest?
Massive chest, yes. But more impressive is the way the "4" on her costume has that circle patterned just perfectly to line up from this angle on her boobs.
Has there ever been a character with more unfortunate hairstyle choices than Sue?
Heh. I remember this issue! This particularly hideous "coif" resulted from her having to fight a criminal in the middle of a visit to the beauty parlor. Sadly, it didn't look much better when it was done. Sue went from her mullet to a sad regulation "mommy" 'do, which made her look a lot like Florence Henderson, with a generous helping of Shirley Jones and Julie Andrews and just a hint of Georgia Engels (for spice).
Heh. I guess my li'l imaginary Reed-Slap Fest worked! See, Reed's a freckin' genius!
Man, I'd hate to be her when she gets home this time, though...
ahhh...another panel proving how creepy Superboy really is. Awesome.
I came to the comments to lay into Sue's hair, and found a pileup already here (I was going to say "Too bad she didn't make that Byrne 'do invisible! Ba-DUM-Bump!). It's funny, for all that Byrne's run is considered such a high point for both the book and his career, he really did give some of the characters the worst hair of their entire existence.
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