"Glands" is a word you just don't see often enough these days. I think if you can't say something nice about someone, you should compliment their glands.

YES! The word "seamen" makes another appearance.... and this time, they're invading! That's what happens when you don't have protection, kids!

I try not to pick on every he-man comic ad I find, but I have never heard the phrase "chicken-chested" before. It seems like the chests of chicken are the meatiest part, so I'm not sure why that's a slam.
By the way, I don't worry about how "popular I am with the boys." Ever. That's not going to get me to work out, so you can peddle that line with someone else, because it's a "no sale" here.
And, just so you won't think I'm lazy.... John Sill, despite his movie star body, was never credited as having been in any movie that I can find, and I looked. So, we can just presume he was just another gymrat.