You never know when a lame villain will get an overhaul. We haven't even gotten around to Cat-Man yet.
But we have gotten around to Lady Lunar!:

Sometimes, you just have to know that you don't have a winner on your hands. I'm sure that at some point in the editorial meetings and the actual writing, penciling, inking, coloring and editing of this comic, the thought "This character will never see the light of day again."
And, believe it or not, they would be wrong!
As terrible a character as she was (and believe me, this cover shot was as good as she got), Lady Lunar would appear again in the awesome Justice League Unlimited, which ran for 96 episodes from 2004-2006 on Cartoon Network. Don't believe me? I give you Exhibit "A":

Yes, she appeared here and very briefly in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Yet, 20 years later, there she is sitting next to Luthor. There are no small roles, people!
But, as you can tell from her cover dialogue, she was a terrible character. Just terrible. Off to the Character Hall of Shame with her.
But she gives me hope that other characters might see the light of day.
So, cue the half-man/half-bees!:

and what the heck, give us the gigantic caterpillar creature thingie!:

Yes! All hail Lord Insectus!:

Because gigantic insect creatures are awesome. Almost as awesome as gorillas.
And if Lady Lunar got some air time in the last ten years, we can certainly hope someone recognizes the bitchin' factor of Lord Insectus.
See you tomorrow!
Was Hawkman the only superhero to fight giant insects?
Actually, the entire JLA fought giant insects if you count the Queen Bee and her drones! And let's not forget Praying Mantis Man and his various insect minions from the days of the original Blue Beetle!
I can't get the trailer to interact with me! That's so sad...... I don't even have kryptonite aura!
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