I thought you guys might get a kick out of a 1940's version of the Incredible Hulk. Just like ol' Greenskin, this guy was a normal guy who would turn into a rampaging brute when he got stressed out. Pretty cool, eh? I'm surprised DC is letting that one slide....
I don't get what the little scalloped edges on the outside of the White Savage's word balloon (or ululation balloon, anyway) is meant to represent. Is it a cloud, to show that his voice is really breathy? In which case, is "Ahhooah!" some sort of come-on? (!) Or is it a thought balloon, and he's gibbering telepathically? Honestly, I have no idea.
I *think* it's supposed to be a shout. But I have no way to prove it.
I have discovered from this blog that you really love comics, and that you have for years, and I understand that this is your way of showing it.
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