Here's a little Christmas Cheer from the guy who dresses up like a bat and runs around with a young boy wearing green panties:

Gee, Mom and Dad! Is it that train set I've been wanting? I'll just peek in the box and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!
Courtesy of Robert Gillis, we have a Random Slap! (tm!):

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.... what would Superman say? Well, he'd probably tell you to put your shoulder into it and make her teeth rattle.
Here's another one from Robert that takes a little explaining:

Okay, for our non-comic geek readers, this is Bruce Wayne, not Clark Kent. Bruce is Batman, so thinking of his friend Superman while kissing a girl is more than a little homo-erotic.
Hey! We got to say "homo-erotic!" Now I get to wait for my boycott from the Baptists!
Thanks, Robert!
See you tomorrow!
Jimmy is trying out for the Avengers. He didn't make the cut because he forgot to say:"Shut Up, Woman!"
Send them to the cornfield!
At least Bruce isn't dreaming about Dick.
Speaking of Supes and Bats:
Having recently read a few early Jimmy Olsen comics, I can only wonder why it took Jimmy so long. Lucy was a witch with a capital B.
I remember that issue of Batman. The Joker took out the Dynamic Duo with a band saw, attached their severed torsos to giant slinkies and delivered them to the Governor's house on Christmas Eve. The only part I never figured out was how Geoff Johns could write a comic story in the 1940s.
Ah, yes... Good old Lucy "This champagne tastes... sour!" Lane.
Although to be frank, pretty much everybody in those old Superman family comics deserved to be slapped. Repeatedly.
I always knew Bats and Supes were an item.
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