Perhaps not "great" so much as "disturbing, but in a funny way."

I guess the Claw himself was busy. I appreciate the disclaimer that this is "NOT a true story," because I was about to write a thesis on the whole event.
I haven't dug into the Ghost just yet, but he has only one superpower I can see: His cape disappears for no reason from one panel to the next:

Did you see it? He'll do it again:

I'm not sure why that cape keeps disappearing. It's not like the Ghost has a complicated outfit there. Maybe it's on purpose, because he's the Ghost and all that. Spooky! Whooooooooooo!

They spent a whole page on that gag. A whole freakin' page. That is tragic and awesome all at once.
I love goofy comics.
See you tomorrow!
That is one HELL of a Bitchslap. Best Bitchslap ever? Maybe.
that bitchslap was so powerful, it sent him flying upwards. :P
Domestic abuse is hilarious.
Justin - They've made it a running gag in the "Andy Capp" comic strip for decades. I think domestic ASSAULT is considered hilarious as long as it's a case of mutual combat.
So wait... we dropped angel dust on the nazis?
I think we DID actually do that for real, yes.
I think we should return to those days of yesteryear when everybody was split into "imp" and "brute" categories.
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