You never want to suggest you are doing a "quick job" on someone when your hand has clearly been anywhere near another man's crotch....

Heh, heh. Shaft.

I don't know that I'd want people saying I was the greatest seaman of all time. That's like when Beloved calls me the biggest jackass who ever lived. It's kind of an accomplishment, but not really one I feel like advertising....
You know?...
"Just a quick job -- until I have more time!"
...followed by...
"Fly true to your mark, my shaft!"
...and ending with...
"The greatest seaman of all time!"
...pretty much sums up my weekend.
Oh, yes. It's my joke and you can't un-read it now.
see? it was a THEME day! that makes my blog art, don'tcha know?
There's room for five letters between 'Seaman' and 'of'. So what did the sign say, hmmm?
Oh Soup. YOu had another one of THOSE weekends did you?
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