Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Am Woman, pt. 2

That's right, Sue, you can clean this dump while the rest of us sit around and scratch ourselves, but you'd better do it silently!



SallyP said...

Yes, Sue, take that broom. And SILENTLY stick it right up Reed's !!!#@$#^$#$!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stan Lee definately couldn't away with this sexist crap today. Female comic fans would tear him a new one if you know what I mean. Hey, he aint dead yet. Go get him ladies!

SallyP said...

Yes Stan did write pretty pathetic women. The Scarlet Witch was just as ridiculous, and this weird obsession with the commies got a little old after a while. On the other hand, it WAS the sixties.

Bunche (pop culture ronin) said...

Sorry, but no Satn-scribed female was as pitiful or nauseating as Jane Foster. Her mooning over Thor way back in the days was more effective than a bucketfull of syrup of Ipecac.

Anonymous said...

You tell her Reed. A womans place is in the oven.

Anonymous said...

Yes, tell her off, Reed. Put dear Susan Storm in her place!