Okay, we're just going to end this week and start next week powering through the last couple of issues of Captain America Comics because... well, it's just getting depressing.
Brace yourself for the most extraordinary of coincidences.
How fortunate that Captain America just happened to be travelling by at that moment... and was able to hear him through the skylight.
Okay, I recognize that the sense of touch is a perfectly legitimate way for a visually-impaired person to get an idea of what a person looks like, so I'm not going to say a word.
Whew! I'm still a (marginally) decent person.
And things get even sillier:
Speaking of visually-impaired, these mobsters know what Collins looks like. So keep that in mind:
So, how is it that the mobsters not only didn't notice that Collins was wearing a Captain America mask, but the guy who snatched Collins's son didn't notice that the boy was wearing an entire Bucky costume? Thusly:
And just when I think it can't get any more ridiculous:
Wait for it... you know it's coming...
You know, I had Lasik surgery on my eyes and it was a miracle, but apparently I could have saved myself thousands of dollars by having a guy fire a handgun across the bridge of my nose.
And then things get really weird:
Okay, why did he have to get all cryptic and "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus" on his kid? Cap and Bucky were indeed real. Everyone saw it. He didn't have to get philosophical or metaphysical in the slightest. "Yes, son, they're real. We just saw them." Case closed! Does everything have to be so dang heartwarming?
I guess I'm just getting bitter in my old age. I'm surprised you still come and visit me.
I'll see you Monday!