Hercules is gone, but Thor is there to take up the mantle for saying weird things when he's startled. That isn't the first time I've seen a character swear by a beard. Is there any real reason for that? I mean, I can't imagine Odin's beard swooping to the rescue at a time like that (or any time, for that matter).
Hey! Here's a word we don't use often enough!:

I'm gonna use the word "cocksure" around my family and friends and see what kind of response I get. That's one of those words that's perfectly appropriate, but you're still pushing your luck when you use it.
Of this, I am quite cocksure....
Hey, Kids! It's time for Fun with Out of Context Dialogue! (tm!):

Hee! That one made me giggle!
And lastly, we learn what we've always suspected:

The Wasp can't even make a decent cup of coffee. All I can say is, she must be a wildcat in the bedroom because otherwise I have no idea why Hank insists on keeping her around.
See you tomorrow!
Cocksure Coffee ... It's darn good.
"Cocksure" would also be a great name for a microbrew. Or a band.
Or a baby.
>>she must be a wildcat in the bedroom because otherwise I have no idea why Hank insists on keeping her around.<<
Well, SOMEONE has to come up with those goofy Avengers costumes ...
I'm pretty cocksure that that unseen force is gonna be pretty painful.
jan! make me some coffee, darnit!
If there is anyone who ISN'T cocksure, it has to be poor old Hank.
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