Comics were awful in the '90s when it came to making super-heroes and villains the proportional equivalent of 8 feet tall to other characters. I know that's supposed to make them seem all.... I dunno, heroic and such, but it only makes me wonder how an 8 foot tall hero blends in with the crowd when he's using the old secret identity.
In this case, I could accept the Spectre as being larger-than-life, but Green Lantern and the Flash look a good 10 feet tall! And what's the Flash doing to that guy? Really, what's he doing?

Well, I could disintegrate you, leave hanging on the tip of a crescent moon, or dispatched into the Pit of Somethingoranother....

.... but apparently, I'm more likely to just give you a swift kick in the pants. I am the Lord's Instrument of Vengeance! Fear me!
From All-Star Comics #6:

I have never heard this expression before, but we all need to start using it. That's right... I'm some pumpkins!
You heard it here first, hepcats!
well it;s either shorts or jeans from now on! Less chance of getting accosted!
The thought of the Spectre, the Spirit of Vengeance, turning invisible and sneaking around kicking people in the behind, just fills me with delight.
I just know I'll come up with something funny to say! That'll show everyone I'm some pumpkins!!
Wow, that's OLD American slang -- as in mid-19th century American slang. "I'm some pumpkins" is one step up from "I'm small potatoes." As in, "I was once small potatoes, and now I'm some pumpkins."
I am so impressed that you know mid-Nineteenth Century slang.
A quick Internet search revealed that that phrase is used in the play "Our American Cousin", which was the play Lincoln was watching when he got shot. So the last words he heard before John Wilkes Booth shot him may very well have been "I'm some pumpkins"!
Flo: I’m what?
Asa: Small potatoes.
Flo: Will you be kind enough to translate that for me,
for I don’t understand American yet.
Asa: Yes, I’ll put it in French for you, ``petite pommes des terres.’’
Flo: Ah, it’s very clear now; but, cousin, do tell me what you mean by calling me small potatoes.
Asa: Wal, you can sing and paint, and play on the pianner, and in your own particular circle you are some pumpkins.
Flo: Some pumpkins, first I am small potatoes, and now I’m some pumpkins.
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