And that's all I have to say about that. For now.
From Daredevil v.1 #90:

Can someone explain to me what just happened? DD just smacked the taste out of that cop's mouth, and he's perfectly fine with it. Did this guy go to the same Police Academy as Lady Cop, because she seemed pretty okay with taking a punch in the mouth as well. Maybe they teach cops to just expect to be decked in the face every so often...
From Daredevil v.1 #92:

What surprises me is that this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time. I mean, when Peter Parker and Spider-Man happen to show up at the same time in Hogshooter, Oklahoma and no one puts it together, it makes my head hurt.
My Decree: Henceforth, the act of a super-hero and his civilian identity being seen at an unusual locale while no one puts the coincidence together shall be known as the Hogshooter, Oklahoma Rule! Keep your eyes peeled for our heroes using their frequent flier miles!
From Daredevil v.1 #99:

What's with the way DD is holding Hawkeye's chin? I hate to be that guy, but if someone tries to hold my face in that manner and it ain't Beloved, that will not end well.
Give me back my billy club.... and you know what I mean when I say "billy club," you sexy purple tunic-wearing heartbreaker!
I have a feeling that Golden Age DC will completely wreck the HOR curve for Marvel.
The flip side of the HOR is that no one thought it suspicious that Iron Man,Tony Stark's bodyguard,was never seen in the company of Stark(well,almost never). We could call that the "lazy bodyguard rule".
The "Lazy Bodyguard Rule" it is! When someone seems to disappear during their job duties and no one seems to notice or care, we shall henceforth call that the "Lazy Bodyguard Rule" or LBR.
Geez, I gotta write down all these acronyms now ...!
That last Daredevil panel is just BEGGING to be Photoshopped with different dialogue...
I always called this the "Niagara Falls" rule (See Superman II).
Problem with Niagara Falls in SII is Lois immediately suspected the kent/Superman connection. How about Superman Returns? Clark and Superman show up on the same day, both after a five day absence, and NO ONE notices. Daredevil watching television? That seems odd. I suppose he could just be listening to it, but still...!
These are all very good rules.
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