Check out Superboy #98. Clark just sees some kid on the street and exposes him to some X-Ray radiation. Not that Ultra Boy isn't doing the same thing, but that just proves my point that much more:

Why Ultra-Boy's disguise consists of preppy on the top and baseball uniform on the bottom is anyone's guess.
But see? Here we go again:

And I'm not saying I blame anyone. I'd be using it all over the place. I'd call it "X-Ray vision" like Superboy does, and not "Penetra-Vision." "Penetra-Vision" sounds like the name of a studio that makes porn movies. (Hi, Googlers!)
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

I just don't think it's necessary to have that many statues of Superboy.

Yes, that is a foolproof method of identification. Because no one can wear a uniform that doesn't belong to them. That would be dishonest.
Every time ultra boy uses his "Penetra-Vision" he come afully close to the crotch-al region....and it doesn't help that he has a phallic-like symbol on his chest either!
Superboy's secret identity
Superboy is the secret identity; Clark Kent is the public identity.
Marla's chest emblem is worse; it looks like a phallus with a wrench superimposed on it.
Which I swear I never noticed until I read this post.
That old guy's name is MARLA?
Is that anything like "A Boy Named Sue"?
Hey guys, you've both got x-ray vision and Lana standing right next to you there....
Didn't Mike Sterling post a panel where young Clark was trying to get out of kissing Lana? Clark's tendency to peek under the clothes of boys now makes all sorts of sense.
mightgodking needs guest bloggers.
So a pair of teenage boys with the power to see through clothing spend all their time looking at each other? Y'know, he comes in for a lot of abuse, but maybe Wertham had a point.
For the love of God, boys, Lana is standing RIGHT THERE! That classroom is just packed full of girls1 And all they can do is check out each others underwear?
However, I do like the "prepare the Cosmit Scope!" line. I think I'll use that next time I go to the Doctor.
Let me guess, your doctor would use a Cosmic Scope to look at Uranus?
Plus the whole wearing your garish costume under your "secret identity" clothes has got to be one of the stupidest ideas ever.
Nope, nothing could possibly go wrong there...
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