When last we left, Superboy was about to get jumped in to the Legion. That's right - it's "blood in, blood out" when you're talking about the Legion, baby! Note that Brainiac 5 over there in the bottom right corner had the good sense to stay out of this story as much as possible.

Eeeeew... Superboy lost to a girl! Women have come a long way by the 30th Century, I see.

Meanwhile, back in the 1950's, people are still so worried about the Commies that they don't notice when someone has replaced themselves with a large blow-up doll. How did we win the Cold War, anyway?
Well, it's been a great year, with hopefully many more to come. Thanks so much to everyone who reads CMNS, especially those who take the time to comment. I have a lot of fun doing this blog, and I sincerely appreciate you sharing the joy with me. Here's to the first of many groan-inducing, Sue Richards-smacking years!

Attaboy, Reed! Way to get in the spirit!
Many happy returns, my goofy virtual friend. Keep bringing the funny and we'll keep bringing the laughter. And none of that canned stuff either - it tastes like poo.
Whoo Woo!
Congrats, my man!
*raises beer*
Here's to a few more years of wacky out-of-context comic panel goodness!
(and more funny fodder I can swipe!)
And, I will never get tired of Reed smacking Sue. That probably says something about me. Oh, well.
Wow and I thought that Superboy's Clark Kent robobt doubles were creepy.....
Oh and 'grats on the anniversary
Hey.. Long time reader first time commenter...:)
Just wanted to congratulate you on your first year... you never cease to make me laugh, discovered your blog about 3 months ago... went back a reread them all...and catch it everyday... Funny Funny Stuff... keep up the good work...
Been a great year, and here's to another!
Congratulations, dude! That's fantastic! Tonight I'm getting rip-snorting drunk on space-wine in your honor.
Yeah, that'll be the reason for it...! *looks nervously around, flop-sweats*
Congrats on the blogiversary, Adam! I came a little late to the game, but I sure do enjoy your posts.
....er, for the record, I'm not the same Will who commented above. I've commented a dozen times or so, and I've never seen him around here before.
I may have to come up with a snappier moniker. Something like "Allergy" should do it...
The really funny part, is that Lana talked to "dummy" Clark for twenty minutes...and never NOTICED that he was inflated.
Oh, and congratulations. I adore this site.
Happy bloggiversary, you funny fellow.
Seeing Reed slap Sue makes FF #281 a truly fantastic issue! I hope someday you do a survey of FF #283, when Psycho-Man captured Sue and tormented her
You can't see that right now. Domestic violence on comics is censured. Thanks to kamagra, he is good getting weird stuff like that.
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