Well..... CAN you? In the name of all that's good and pure, can you think of why Superboy has that "orgasm gone wrong" expression on his face?

Fantastic arrows, you say? I know that even color television was cause to throw a block party back in the 1950's, but if that's what you consider fantastic, you have a very low threshold for excitement....
Well..... CAN you? In the name of all that's good and pure, can you think of why Superboy has that "orgasm gone wrong" expression on his face?
Mystery solved.
Though I can't top foldedsoup's explanation, perhaps he got one of those arrows up the behind! (I vote black cat for most uncomfortable.)
Now I just assumed that poor Superboy walked in on Ma and Pa Kent going at it on the kitchen table, but Soup's version is probably better.
And what the HELL is a Black Cat arrow?
I want to know what assclown dreamed up a "Black Cat arrow and what did he think it was going to do?
Jeez, how many plastic cat arrows HAVE there been...?
I always hate to spoil a good gag, but 'fantastic' *is* an accurate way to describe those arrows, at least for the time.
See, 'fantastic' is the adjectival form of 'fantasy'. DA Death's Head there isn't saying the arrows are amazingly great, he's saying they're amazingly surreal/fanciful.
(Of course, if you already knew all this - as I suspect you did - feel free to skip all of the above and just accept lavish compliments from a long-time lurker. :) )
"Superman was horrified to see Lois Lane was wearing her new Kryptonite lingerie."
never be afraid to try and smarten us up or bring some edumacation into our lives, km! :-)
It's not Superboy its an inflatable doll made in his image.
What's even more bizarre than the black cat arrow is that the same story later mentions a 'three-on-a-match' arrow. What the hell is that and how the heck do you use it to fight crime?
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