Is that assignment really going help kids get into college? I mean, will it really? Or has the teacher just resigned herself to the fact that she's got a room full of hayseeds and is just keeping herself entertained until June?

To give our son a special education....
I knew it! Thanks to advanced Krypton science, they could tell at infancy which children would grow up to be dullards....

I might have left the "rubber arrow" alone had it not been so dang phallic...
Rubber arrow? Looks more like a Hot Dog arrow to me. Maybe he'll shoot it underneath a leaking mustard tank and ricochet it into a bun.
I'm rather impressed that Roy had the guts to come right out and say that Ollie's arrows were just ridiculous.
Not that Ollie is listening.
I'm amazed that Ollie is willing to admit that he has no idea what he's doing and that he's just guessing at what to do next.
"The strongly-worded letter to Congress arrow? What good will that do?"
"Let's shoot it and see!"
Or we could think this through before we go shooting arrows all over the place.
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