Some people think the Vision's yellow and green ensemble is a bit loud, but there's a thick line between toning things down and giving up altogether. Over the years, I've warmed up to characters who wear mostly one color (Nightwing, the Flash, etc.) but the all-white look of a character, especially a bald one, only makes me think of this:

And yes, I feel the same way about the Silver Surfer.
For those of you that visit our little Comic Book Funhouse (tm!), but don't regularly follow comics, allow me to give you a Rule to Go By (tm!):

Whenever you see Dr. Doom, it will almost always be revealed near the end of the story that he was really one of Dr. Doom's robots. Just assume it's a robot, and just assume no one else in the story will even consider that possibility even though it's usually the case.
Know what teenagers need? A Code:

What I really enjoy about this is (a) they never actually come up with a Code, so no problems are solved and (b) any teenager who wants more rules to govern his/her behavior probably doesn't need a Code to begin with. It's those loser kids who walk around with their hats turned backwards and their pants halfway down their asses who need the Code.
The Teenage Code:
*that's great = whatever
*that's different = it sucks
*going to the library = going anywhere but the library
*going out to study with [person] = going to have sex with [person]
Teenage code can be subdivided into the following:
Man Law
and the Girl Code.
I'm kind of confused on what's going on in panel 5 there. Did Dave & co. interrupt the Mad Tea Party?
And what a boring looking crumpet party they crashed. You know these party crashing reprobates had all the good reefer. Please.
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