I don't know about you, but this guy scares the living crap out of me. I mean, if you were in a dark alley and some guy dressed that way speaking broken English with a French accent came up to you, wouldn't you lose it? I sure would.

Besides having an awkward name, this character has lightning shooting down to his crotch. I'm not sure if that's a image that will attract or repel the ladies. I'm sure it will evoke strong opinions either way.
Hey! It's time for Fun with Out of Context Dialogue!(tm!):

Usually in the mornings, my cannon is my alarm clock!
Thank you! Thank you! I love you all!
See you tomorrow!
Wait. So you have a cannon that wakes you up every morning? Must be loud..
i spit soda all over my computer screen after reading the canon polishing panel.
i cleaned it up and now i'm happy again.
"Ligtning"-man?? Seems like he could have at least picked a real word for his super hero name!
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