Let me get this straight.... the ID badge is a playing card?
Seriously.... a playing card?
Well, that's a high level of security the gang has there, isn't it? No way to get your mitts on one of their top-secret ID cards! Unless, of course, you happened to buy a pack of playing cards.....
That's right up there with having "Shave and a haircut" as your secret knock....
I've asked it before, and I'll ask it again.

Where the heck do these pictures come from? Especially the Dial "H" for Hero guys? They exist for maybe four hours, tops. Where did they find the time to get a Glamour Shot taken?

Another child lost to over sized kite-flying. When will people learn? Dammit, WHEN WILL THEY LEARN? HOW MANY MORE HAVE TO DIE?
Sorry... it's been a long day, and that made me giggle.
The Japanese have a New Year's tradition of kite flying called TAKOAGE. How many countless little brothers have been attached and drifted away--the horrors!
Oh and when I glanced at the pic of Hypno Man, I was sure it said NYMPHO MAN. Now that's a collectible!
So you're just going to let "Sockamagee" pass by without comment, huh? Sockamagee.
Goodness, Tracer, if I commented every time Robby Reed said "Sockamagee," I'd never have time to write about anything else. Sockamagee.
That and he said "Sockamagee"
Gawd, I love it when you post stuff like this.
Happy New Year!
I'll never get used to the cheapness of that particular expospeak device being used by the kiter.
This is the sort of thing that never happens in real life. It's a Contrived Comic Crisis (CCC) whose only purpose is to give Superboy something to do.
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