Friday, April 25, 2008

Color Inside the Lines Friday!

You remember those coloring place mats some restaurants gave you as a child to keep you quiet while you waited for your grub? Here's a little something-something to get you through the weekend!

This lent itself to so many jokes, my head hurt trying to figure out which one to use, so I decided to leave it to you. Give me your best!

But remember....

... if you give the guys a foreign accent when you fill in the dialogue, take note: Furriners don't speak in Times New Roman font!

Now, this one I didn't Photoshop. My copy says Superboy "farted the bog down to its bottom." If this is really how Moses got his people through the Red Sea, I'll quit fighting Beloved when she tries to make me watch The Greatest Story Ever Told every year. I just wanna hear Charleton Heston passing gas in THX....

See ya Monday!


  1. The Greatest Story Ever Told is about Jesus. The Ten Commandments is the movie you want. One of the great pictures ever, with the actual line: "God opens the sea with a blast of his nostrils." Not as good as farting, I'll grant you, but darn close.

  2. I'd be interested to know how many examples there have been of comics characters actually breaking wind(outside of Mad and other humor magazines).

  3. Fill in the blanks..."Clark, I've told you a thousand times that you have to watch how many of your Ma's pancakes you pack away! Now your pants don't fit!"
    "But how will I make it to the prom without pants?"

  4. "I can't believe even Kryptonians get that big! This I have to see!"

    "I don't know, Pete. I almost took Invisible Kid's eye out after he said the same thing..."

  5. I...I am so in awe of this last panel, that I can't even come up with a comment that would do it justice.

    But BOY HOWDY, Superboy does look as though he's enjoying himself in the FIRST scan!

  6. I must add: I specifically remember a letter from a reader who - after praising DC - complained that they should remember that it wasn't Moses who parted the Red Sea - it was God!

    The editors responded that they were glad to know that the reader read the Good Book, as well as their books.

  7. I was about to lift my butt cheeks off of the chair and pass a nice stinkaroo, when I found myself thinking about that Superboy comic where he says he just farted out the bog. I actually had that issue way back when in the old days and thought I had read it wrong. Had to get my mother to verify what I saw. To this day, I'll always remember that particular issue. I am glad google pointed me to this site. I wondered if I had the only misprint.
