Monday, April 28, 2008

Ain't No Party Like a Legion Party Because a Legion Party Don't Stop Monday!

At the Legion of Superheroes, you work hard and you play harder:

Do the shurg! Every one's doing it! Whooooooo!

So, the big computer is a voyeuristic pervert, is that what you're saying?

I'm just bitter because the computer never picks me to kiss anyone....

But don't party too hard, or you might forget your own super-power:

Oh, if only I had mental powers and could assault my captor telepathically! Or if Chameleon Boy could somehow... oh, I don't know, change his shape or something so he could escape the cocoon! Oh, woe is us!

I find the Legion guilty.... of partyin' too hard! Whooooooo!


  1. Wow, you use your super science technology to play spin the bottle. Truly the future is glorious...

  2. Star Boy won't dance, won't kiss... what a lame-o. Then again, I find "the shurg" somewhat resistable myself.

    In other news, I find it strangely comical that they call their big-ass computer "the big computer."

  3. "No-er.."
    Starboy beat a hasty retreat. Did he fear the computer would reveal he would have the most fun kissing Karate Kid or Element Lad?

  4. -"Come make out with some girls Star-Boy?"

    -No...Er...I'll...Umm....Go and alphabetise the Membership applications before this party turns into the unknown region of 2nd base, it's all work, work, work for Star Boy!

  5. 'Cause tonight we're gonna party like it's 2999!


  6. They totally missed out on a computer -dictated three-headed Chameleon Boy monstrosity kissing an all-too-willing Triplicate girl trio.

    And by "They," I mean "We, the readers."

  7. You know what would make an awesome Legion story? Deciding who get to join the Legion by having all the applicants shurg. Then the big computer gets to judge who shurgs the best.

  8. ...and then the applicants are judged on how much fun it would be to kiss them. Until Braniac 5, C*ckBlocker, shows up.

    I can't decide if those are skull-penetrating twin phallus beams coming from the big computer, or if it's projecting rays that are forcing them to keep kissing.


  9. As far as the kissing contest goes, you can tell Shrinking Violet is smiling because she's next in line to kiss Light Lass, while Invisible Kid is lined up for Element Lad.

  10. Allergy, they not only have a big computer named "Big Computer", but knowing them, there is a honkin' big SIGN on somewhere that says "Big Computer" in case one of them forgets.

  11. Looks like Star Boy needed some solo shurg time.
